What is my username?
The WVU Genius portal uses your email address for your username. So when signing in or resetting your password, enter the same email address you used to create your account.
How do I reset my password?
Go to https://wvu.geniussis.com and use the Recover Your Password link to reset your account access. An email will be sent to your address with a link to change your password.
- Passwords must be 12-20 characters and contain at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.
- Your username is the email address you used when creating your account.
- If link takes you back to login page, try clearing browser cache and restarting or copy and paste the link into a new browser.
What Affiliation should I choose when creating my account?
Mountaineer Micro Academy divides our course offerings into groups called affiliations. The affiliation for each course will be listed on our Mountaineer Micro Academy Options page. If no affiliation is listed that course most likely uses a different system to handle registration. Being assigned the wrong affiliation can result in you being unable to see the courses you want. If you believe you chose the wrong affiliation you can email us to adjust your account. Please include your name, email, and desired course.
Why can't I see all the courses in Genius that are listed on the Mountaineer Micro Academy website?
This can happen for a couple reasons. If a course has reached capacity, and waitlisting is not available, it will no longer be available for registration. Another reason is if a learner is enrolled in an affiliation that's different from the one the course is currently assigned. Learners can test this by clicking the All Courses option under the Display Options menu on the left. A full course will show up here. If you do not see the course you can email us to check that you have the correct affiliation assigned to your account. Please include your name, email, and desired course.
Lock Down Browser is Preventing Login
Because of the new Ultra upgrade to your ecampus, you will need to re-download Respondus lockdown browser. Here are the steps:
- Go to the exam and open it up.
- To the right on the settings you will see Respondus - Select Download - even if you have installed the application previously, this will allow you to update
- When the window opens Select Download
- Execute the file after it downloads and
- Select Reinstall from the wizard.
After it reinstalls it should open right up for you without the error.
What are WVU microcredentials?
WVU microcredentials offer a way to earn and document certified learning outcomes upon completion of certain criteria and select experiences. Our microcredentials can quickly and easily verify achievement and may be shared in a variety of ways to amplify the awardee’s resume/CV.
How do I find available courses?
Visit MicroAcademy.wvu.edu/micros for a full list of offerings.
Why am I being redirected to Geniussis.com?
Mountaineer Micro Academy uses the Genius SIS system for registration, payment, and accessing your courses. All learners will need to create an account on the WVU Genius Portal before they can register for a course. Learners will also login here to access their courses, upload pre-requisites, download certificates, and view transcripts.
How do I register for Mountaineer Micro Academy courses?
The majority of our courses will be hosted through the WVU Genius Portal, while select courses will use an external registration system. The WVU Genius Portal will require you to create an account on the system before you can register for a course. When creating your account, if affiliation is not pre-populated, check the course listing for the appropriate option. Submitting the account creation form will send you an email containing a temporary password. Use this with your email (Username) and return to the Genius portal to sign in. Returning users will login here as well to not only register but to access their courses, upload pre-requisites, download certificates, and view transcripts.
To register for your course, sign into your account. This will take you to your Learner Dashboard. Click the course catalog link on the left to find your course. Use the More Info or View Offerings buttons to read the full description and click Enroll to add to your cart. If you were able to start the enrollment process before creating your account your course may already be in your cart. Open the Cart to review your selection and then click Checkout to complete the process, including submitting payment if necessary.
- Read the full course descriptions carefully before completing the registration. Be sure to review dates, course pre-requisites, expectations, and refund policies which will differ by microcredential.
- Courses with prerequisites will show up in the Pending Courses tab of your Learner Dashboard. Instructions for meeting the requirements will be sent to your email.
- The system will require you to create a new password when you initially sign in.
- Users not directed to the WVU Genius portal will be directed to a course specific registration page.
Why isn't my payment going through?
If you encounter a problem finalizing your payment for a Mountaineer Micro Academy course it typically is a result of the payment being denied by your bank or because of security settings on a computer, network, or credit card. Check with your bank or the settings on your computer and/or network to determine if any of these are the cause.
- You can also try a different web browser, clearing your cache, turning off pop-up blockers, or switching to a different computer.
- Once payment goes is successful, a receipt will be sent to your email.
What is the refund policy for Mountaineer Micro Academy courses?
The refund policy may differ for each course and will be based on the offering unit/department’s own policies. Individual course policies regarding refunds will be listed as part of the course description in the Genius SIS system. Please read carefully before registering.
Our general policy states refunds must be requested by contacting the Mountaineer Micro Academy via email prior to the course start date or earlier depending on individual course policy.
- No refunds will be granted after this date or after learner has accessed the course content.
- There will be a 5% fee deducted from all refunds. Any exceptions or appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
How do I begin my course?
Sign into your account at https://wvu.geniussis.com and click on your course title in the active courses section of your learner dashboard. Note, you won't be able to access the course until it's start date.
Why is my course sitting in the pending area of my Learner Dashboard?
This status indicates the course has a pre-requisite(s) and requires approval before you can be admitted. Check your email/message center for directions.
If your course requires the upload of documents, use the Upload Documents link on the left side of the screen.
How do I submit pre-requisite documents through Mountaineer Micro Academy?
Sign into your account at wvu.geniussis.com and select the Upload Document link from the left side of the screen or under the drop-down menu if you are on a mobile device. Follow the prompts to select and upload the required document from your computer, be sure to select the correct Document Type from the dropdown menu.
You will receive an email when your documents have been approved and you can access your course. Revisit this location to see the current status of your document review.
- Genius accepts the following file types: .pdf, .csv, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .svg
- Note when a course requires a document(s), Genius will only accept one document for each requirement. If you have multiple files to submit for an individual requirement, you will need to combine all your documents into a single file, preferably a pdf.
How will I receive my microcredential (digital badge/certificate) for completed coursework?
Upon completion of your course, you will be awarded a WVU microcredential. Depending on the course, you will receive a certificate, a digital badge, or both! The digital badges are sent to your email, while certificates are available in your Learner Dashboard at wvu.geniussis.com.
Instructions for claiming your digital badge are sent to your email address. You will be directed to Canvas Badges (Badgr) where you will need to create an account. Please watch your email inbox, as well as your spam folder in case it gets improperly filtered.
You can access your certificate by logging into your account at wvu.geniussis.com. Go to the Completed Courses section of your Learner Dashboard to find your finished course. Under the Action column click the 3 dot button to see the Download Certificate option. Clicking this will download the certificate to your device as a PDF file.
Where can I access my courses and related information?
Go to wvu.geniussis.com and log into your account. Your active and pending courses will be listed on the Learner Dashboard. Click the course title to access the course.
The Message Center will have copies of all emails sent to your email account. You will find links to the Message Center, course catalog, document upload, and more are available on the left side of the screen.
How do I share my microcredential?
To share your microcredential follow the instructions on this Canvas Badges guide. You will access your microcredentials by signing into your account at badgr.com.
How do I use an email different from the address my microcredential was awarded to for my Canvas Badges account?
Microcredentials are awarded using a learners email address. If you have an existing account or want to create a new one that uses another email address you can merge them into a single account following these instructions on the Canvas Badges help page. Once merge any microcredential awarded to the linked addresses will appear in your backpack.
What's the value in earning a WVU microcredential?
WVU microcredentials offer learning opportunities to enhance training and performance in a particular subject area while gaining official, non-transcripted accreditation.
Since microcredentials can be shared and displayed in a variety of ways, they also serve as an efficient vehicle to showcase resume-building skillsets, meaningful experiences and accredited accomplishments, which can advance opportunities in career readiness, employability and upward mobility.
How do I make the most of my microcredential?
Microcredentials can be valuable tools for enhancing your skills and credentials in a specific area. To make the most out of your microcredential, it will be important to define your career goals and determine how the credential you’re obtaining will fit into your personal and professional development plan. Specific microcredentials may also be stacked toward degree options should you choose to do so.
How do microcredentials align with WVU’s commitment to our students, faculty, staff, and partners as well as the state of West Virginia and our region?
Rooted in our proud land-grant mission, we are committed to extending accessible, real-world learning to all citizens. In todays' ever-evolving workforce and rapidly changing world, we are paving the way to deliver innovative educational methods that align with emerging and evolving occupational demands so professionals at any job level can keep up with the insights and skills necessary to enhance their careers.
What information is in a WVU microcredential?
All WVU microcredentials store metadata that includes the learner's name, email address, verified issuer information and the criteria completed to earn the award. This information can be viewed by anyone with the link. This a great way to not only share your accomplishments but allows them to verify its authenticity.
For those who receive a certificate, you can download the PDF from your Learner Dashboard at wvu.geniussis.com.
Who can issue WVU microcredentials?
WVU issues all Mountaineer Micro Academy microcredentials, but we welcome organizations across all industries to partner with us and create a microcredential that meets training, workforce development, upskilling, professional development, or continuing education goals. Please fill out this form to partner with us.
How can WVU faculty, staff or units issue or create a microcredential?
If you are a WVU faculty or staff member who is interested in issuing similar awards at the University, consider creating a WVU Badge. Learn more at badges.wvu.edu/create-a-badge.