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First-time users will need to create an account on the WVU Genius portal system. Complete all fields on the registration form. If the Affiliation field is not already populated, check your course listing for the appropriate choice.
After completing the form, a new account email with a temporary password will be sent to the address used during the registration process. Use the link in the email to sign in with the temporary password. The system will require you to change your password.
Returning learners will sign in using the username and password they created during their account setup. If sent to the Login/Create an Account form, use the text link at the top of the form to load the sign-in page.
Find your course in the catalog. Click the More Info button and read the description carefully, specifically course pre-requisites, refund policies, and dates (located under the Section) before registering. There can be multiple sections for each course, so make your selections carefully.
After reviewing the description select Enroll to add the course to your shopping cart. The shopping cart is located in the top right of the screen and should now have a number icon showing the course was added.
Click the shopping cart icon to view the added course. Again double-check dates to ensure you have the correct section.
Click the Checkout button in the Shopping Cart. If you haven't already, you'll need to sign into your WVU Genius Portal account. First-time users will need to create an account. Read through Step 2 for instructions.
Courses that do not require a fee will ask you to click the Confirm button and then Go to Dashboard to view course in the Learner Dashboard.
For courses charging a fee, select Pay via website and TouchNet from the Payment Method dropdown menu. Note, Mountaineer Micro Academy is currently only accepting credit card payments through this option.
Complete the process by entering your information in all required fields. Click the Confirm button and then Go to Dashboard to view course in the Learner Dashboard. A receipt for your transaction will be sent to the address used during the payment process.
In the Active Courses area of your Learner Dashboard, your new course will be listed. Click Go to Course to enter the WVU learning management system.